My face says it all in this "before" photo…

When I became a coach, I was in a slump. A BIG SLUMP. Mentally, emotionally, financially, physically... everything was just "blahhhhh".
When I was first asked about becoming a coach my initial response was, "No, thanks, I just need to work on myself right now." While this was a true statement, I'm SOOOO happy that my coach showed me that I could work on myself AND build a business at the same time. I could inspire and serve others THROUGH my transformation, not just at the end of it.
Coaching has completely revamped everything about my mental and emotional attitude. Coming into coaching I was cynical and jaded. After working hard for an advanced degree, I was left feeling "empty" in my career choice. I didn't feel like I was making any type of REAL difference in my job and we were struggling financially. Was this IT? THIS was the American dream?
Honestly, I wanted to blame everyone for "life:" the government, student loans, the education system... But it didn't matter who I blamed. The only person who could change my life was ME.
Coaching helped me take back control of my life. It helped me take RESPONSIBILITY for my CHOICES. It helped me realize that I didn't have to settle for mediocre as long as I was willing to WORK for extraordinary. For the first time ever, I REALIZED I WAS IN CONTROL. I was tired of struggling through each day, so I decided to change. I decided to do the work to make myself better, and help others do the same.
NOW, I WANT TO HELP YOU DO THE SAME. If you are tired of... ✔ living the "American dream" of student loans or credit card debt; ✔ feeling like you are capable of MORE; ✔ waking up every Monday with a pit in your stomach about going into your day job or leaving your kiddos at daycare; ...then let's make this the month that you change your health AND YOUR LIFE.
Being a coach isn't about being perfect, already having an amazing body, or knowing it all... It's about accountability and letting your story inspire someone else to start too.
In fact, that's how I started. I’ve built & grew my entire business while focusing on my own fitness journey first. Now, I've grown a profitable business from home, all because I wanted to get in shape. So if you're ready for a change, in fitness or in life, now's your time to start!
✔ Nope, you don't have to quit your day job! ✔ No, you don't have to spend HOURS a day on your business! Most coaches spend 1-3 hours a day growing their business! ✔ Yes, you do need to want to be the best YOU possible: mentally and physically. We are all about personal growth! ✔ Yes, you'd be joining an amazing team that provides accountability, training, and positive support!
Under my leadership many coaches have built profitable businesses!! We are currently the #4 ranked team in the entire company - with THE top team in terms of developing business leaders!!! I'm so so so grateful this opportunity came into my life and I want to share it with others!!#payingitforward God has been so good to us, but I don't want it to stop at us! YOU CAN BUILD THIS BUSINESS TOO!
Everyone wants to earn additional income, lose weight, or BOTH, so turning your fitness into a business just makes sense! Interested in learning more without crazy amounts of pressure (Pressure free, I promise!)? Shoot me a message. We have a 24 hour sneak peek this week that you don’t want to miss out on!
*** In case you think success is guaranteed without hard work, I'll tag this on: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at "Statement of Independent Coach Earning" for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.