This girl. We've been #rideordie friends for 17 years. 👭💓 Her opinion means a lot to me.
When I opened my online fitness biz almost 7 years ago, she didn't have strong opinions either way about it. But she did say one thing to me that completely changed the game for me & how I viewed my business.
She said, "Ruth, if you are going to do this, treat it like a real business."
Honestly, I didn't know a lot about running my own business. BUT I did know that I was one helluva hard worker and I was coachable. SO... I made a deal with myself that I'd do this for real from the get go.
I came into this business with no experience, but choose to treat it like a REAL, ENRICHING business even before I knew what that meant. I showed up for 2-4 hours daily. I took and applied all the trainings my team gave me. I learned how to connect with people through social media in order to help them in their fitness journey. I failed many times, then I'd learn from it and try it again a new way. Anything I didn't know about the business, I made it my mission to learn. I put my work ethic and leadership skills to use and treated it like a real business.
And not even seven years later, I've profitable business from this online opportunity.
Some of you reading this are like me... 💪Hard workers 💪Coachable 💪Self Starters 💪And are willing to learn new business skills.
You are the type of person who can rock this business. You are the type of person that I want to join my team. If you are tired of working hard for someone else's dreams, I'll show you how to work hard and build a business that caters to your dreams. You need 2-3 hours a day, a desire to learn and try new things, and a solid work ethic. If that's you, let's chat. Shoot me a message.
Where do you want to take your life in the next 7 years??

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.