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Life Is A Dream!
Coming back from a dream week, I'm more on fire than ever before to help new people learn and grow this business! I mean, our #1...

It's My Anniversary!
🎉🎉It’s my FOUR YEAR coach anniversary!!!! 🎉🎉 I CANNOT believe how quickly it has flown by!! When I started this online business 4...

Backstage Pass into Coach Life!
WHOOOOP WHOOOPPPPP! I'M HERE!! in New Orleans today to meet all my coaches – and my favorite trainers - for our annual convention!!...

NEW Program Coming YOUR Way!!
GUUUUYS!! Get ready for the next BIG fitness program coming your way July 12! Shift Shop is a program that helps to shift your mindset...

Success Isn't Limited to Certain People
After hearing incredible stories about life changing weight loss over the past few days I’m more fired up than ever before about the 21...

The Juvo Empire is a... 2015 7 Star Diamond Elite Top 20 Team!!
Yesterday was incredible - like take my breath away incredible!! My Beachbody team, The Juvo Empire, worked SO hard throughout 2015 to...

*1,856 Lives Changed in 2015*
WOW. I'm humbled, honored, and speechless as I sit back to take this all in. When I decided to change my health last year, I never...
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