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Cherry Power Energize Cooler

If you've been following my journey, you know I’m pumped up. I've recommitted to focusing on my health and wellness. It is so easy for life to get in the way and make up every excuse in the book, that's what I had been doing. It's only the middle of the week but it already feels so great to be back in it! I start every morning working out with my accountability group over zoom, it’s so invigorating.

Let me tell you, jumping back in is not easy. You need that extra motivation and energy boost. That's why I'm sharing with you this tasty energize recipe. These have been my lifeline this week as I get back into the early morning workouts. It's the perfect mix of energy pumped up a little with the fruit to keep the hunger at bay without having a true meal before your workout.

If you are still sitting back waiting to recommit let's chat, I want to help energize you. We'd love you to join our accountability group.


  • 1 cup / 240 ml unsweetened coconut water

  • 1 cup / 170 g ice

  • 1 scoop Beachbody Performance Energize Fruit Punch

  • ½ cup / 70 g frozen cherries


  1. Place coconut water, ice, Energize, and cherries in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Portion Fix Containers: ½ Purple, ½ Yellow

This recipe makes a great pre-workout drink. Be sure to track it! If consumed any other time, count as an FFC.

Find more information about this recipe on Beachbody's blog h ere.

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